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Citadele vouchers

Citadele bank customers, who are members of Citadele X rewards loyalty program are able to exchange their collected points to Go3 Films, Go3 Sports or Go3 All inclusive 1 month package.  

Citadele customers who would like to receive Go3 Films, Go3 Sports or Go3 All Inclusive access, should visit (https://www.xrewards.lt/lt/prizes)  to receive a voucher. Once Customer has the voucher, it should be activated on Go3.lt.

I am Citadele customer, how can I receive a voucher?
Please visit (https://www.xrewards.lt/lt/prizes) for details.
How to apply the voucher (I am not Go3 user currently)?
If you successfully received a code from Citadele bank, you may activate it using a link (https://go3.lt/subscriber/plan/) Please make sure you choose the right package for voucher to work smooth.
How to apply the voucher (I am a Go3 user currently)?
Existing Go3 users are welcome to use the vouchers. Please apply voucher in your account details https://go3.lt/subscriber/my-account#voucher.
If your package is other than the one you have exchanged to on Citadele rewards store, please upgrade to Sports or All Inclusive on https://go3.lt/subscriber/plan to gain access to free viewership.
If you are using Go3 as part of your subscription to a service from our partners (Home3, Bite, Tele2, Telia) – unfortunately, you would not be able to use the voucher, unless you create a new subscription directly on Go3.
Should I provide payment details (credit card or PayPal account) when using Go3 voucher?
We recommend to provide payment details in order to have possibility to order movie rental service and keep access to Go3 service when free of charge period is over. However, if you are using Go3 voucher, the payment selection step is not obligatory – you may click “Accept Payment” button once you applied the voucher without filling the payment details.
Can I give the voucher to a friend?
Yes, you can. However please note that the voucher can only be used once in Go3.
Can voucher be used in another country to access Go3?
The voucher can be used in Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia. Please have in mind that to complete activation successfully you would need to verify your home location from a relevant mobile phone number. How to do it, You can find it in this article: https://pagalba.go3.lt/en/article/geoblocking/
How long is my voucher valid?
We suggest to activate voucher as soon as you receive it.
Otherwise, please have in mind that it has validity date – 11/12/2021 00:00:00.

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