Free trial Special offers might appear but currently there are no free of charge month. We believe that Go3 offers best of...
Payments date/period Making payments for Go3 is as easy as it can be! You either pay for your subscription together with your...
Money refund Our service does not offer money refund option. On your order of service day we are agreeing that we will...
Charged payment – no subscription There might be confusing case then you do not have a subscription but it looks as if payment was made....
Failed payments There might be cases when you are trying to subscribe or pay for Go3 services and you receive information on...
Acceptable payment methods Currently you can order and pay for Go3 services while using payment methods stated below: Bank card with CVV /...
Change payment method This feature is designed for easiest way how to change your payment method in case you need to change your...
Citadele vouchers Citadele bank customers, who are members of Citadele X rewards loyalty program are able to exchange their collected points to...
New safety regulation for bank payments New payment secure regulation is implemented by card issuers for extra fraud protection and requires you to complete an additional...
Voucher activation The full instruction on how to activate the voucher you can see below. How to activate voucher: Option1: open ,...
Bank account number (locked) From 2022 December 1st bank account number for Customers with agreements is changing. If you have signed contract with us...