What are the technical requirements? To ensure the best quality of service, we recommend that you check the device and internet requirements below. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS...
Missing translation Majority of our not local content is translated to all Baltic languages and English, Russian. To know if content is...
Missing content Usually it should not happen but if we did, we kindly ask you to inform our Customer support directly about...
Can’t watch rented content Renting a movie can be great pleasure to be one of the first to see premiers! Sadly, it can be...
Updating your browser Having up to date browser version is recommended. If you need to update your browser you can check this link...
Issues using Go3 Go3 works not as expected? Having trouble playing content? Does not work at all? We are here to help. Please...
Latest Go3 application versions Below is a list of all newest versions released for Go3. Please make sure to have the latest build for...
Adding TV device In order to use Go3 on your TV you have to firstly add it to your device list. This is...
Error on screen It is very unfortunate that you are seeing one of below error messages. However, they are very common and easily...
Go3 application changes (Samsung TV) When launching the old application, starting from August 1st to August 22nd, you will see this text on screen: Samsung...
Eurosport availability Eurosport TV channel signal is no longer supported by Samsung TV’s manufactured at 2016 or earlier. From 2024 April on...
Why My Go3 account is not available? If you can’t stream Go3, there might be several reasons. Please check our suggestions and verify that all of the...